Legendary Leather Stories

The Ohio Clock

Upon seeing his screenname in a chat room, Ken and other members of the group was asked about his leatherwork and quality of work. Ken was then asked about how to see his work and he directed the customer to his website. She disappeared for awhile as she perused the website and Ken's leather work. She was immediately interested and sent pictures of elements she would like on a custom leather clock. Ken worked out the initial artwork and discussed details about deposits for the work and the type and quality of leather that would be used. Dealing back and forth through email, as well as a visit to her local Tandy Leather store to pick out the exact type of leather she liked and the price range she wanted, the process went on without a hitch. The end product was exactly what she wanted and the craftmanship was excellent and on par with Ken's expert standards. 

The Rodeo Queen

Upon finding out that this Rodeo Queen was presented with a store bought tiara that promptly broke, Ken was bound and determined to make something that was more befitting Rodeo Royalty. After he was asked if he could fix the broken tiara, Ken asked the father of this Rodeo Queen for his contact information because he was going to make a crown that would make the other girls jealous. Ken followed through with this a delivered a hand-made leather crown that looked more than at home sitting on her regal cowboy hat.

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